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- The 26th Anniversary of Simona's ascent to Heaven
- On 17th and on 18th April 2010 was celebrated the 26th anniversary of the ascent to heaven of the Servant of God Simona. On Saturday at the "Saint Pius X" Parish of Cagliari and the Sunday, in the Parish of "Our Lady of the Faith" in Cagliari.
Cagliari, 17th and 18th April 2010
- The 25th anniversary of Simona Tronci's ascension to heaven
- The 25th anniversary of Simona Tronci's ascension to heaven was commemorated on the 25th April 2009. The celebration took place in the St Sebastian Parish in Cagliari, a church which was very dear to Simona, the place where she had spent her childhood years.
Cagliari, 22 Aprile 2009
- History of a soul in love with Christ
- Simona teacher in praying, which intensity leads one to sink in the Trinitarian love, she loves deeply God and always thanks Him for the gift of life.
settimanale diocesano il Portico, # 22, 2008, page 13
- Towards a charismatic beatification
- SSimona Tronci shaped her spirituality in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, lived a short life but with a strong and bright faith. In 1984, at the age of 23, Simona died in a concept of holiness.
Charismatic magazine Ruah, # 9, 2003, pages 30-31
- Established the Diocesan Court for the Simona Tronci's Beatification
- The establishment of the Diocesan Court for Simonetta Tonci's Beatification Cause has been one of the most recent and significant decisions of Monsignor Ottorino Pietro Alberti, occurred in Episcope in the morning of 18th August 2003.
settimanale diocesano NuovOrientamenti, # 36, 2003, page 12
- A Cause for the Beatification of an extraordinary life
- Holiness is not denied to young people or reserved to religious, priests and nuns. It's demonstrated by the Simona Tronci's extraordinary life, a girl who died at age of 24, for whom the Church has opened, with the establishment of a 'special court', the Cause for Beatification.
giornale quotidiano la Nuova Sardegna, 25th August 2003
- Cagliari, toward the altars a girl of 24 years old
- Simona died in 1984, in her life has given an example of holiness in daily life. The informative process has opened the diocesan phase of the Cause for Beatification.
giornale quotidiano Avvenire, 19th August 2003
- The Archbishop Mons. Ottorino Alberti: "She will be an example for all young people"
- Is it possible to be a good volleyball player and ascend the heights of holiness? Probably yes, and a Cagliari's girl died of cancer in 1984 could be the example.
giornale quotidiano l'Unione Sarda, 19th August 2003
- A saint among us
- Simona canonised. Is the idea launched by Father Daniel Ange that could open the 'Diocesan Inquiry'. So many are hoping. And Simona Tronci could be the first saint of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
giornale quotidiano l'Unione Sarda, 15 Luglio 1998
- Deeply in love with Jesus
- Simona Tronci's story, died at the age of 23, in April 1984, for a malignant tumour that made her immobile, is reflected in the title of the book dedicated to her, by Clemente Pilloni: 'Deeply in love with Jesus'. These author's simple words are enough to talk about Simona.
Franciscan magazine Voce Serafica, # 10, 1993, page 32
- Remembering Simonetta
- Simona enrolled at the Pontifical Theological Sardinia's Faculty. Where he attended the first three years passing with success all the exams, which then is forced by illness to leave in January 1983.
Notiziario della Facoltà Teologica della Sardegna, # 13, 1992, pages 11-12
- A lighthouse on the path of God
- Sometimes we think about saints as if they were characters of other times. Simona Tronci is a little extraordinary figure of our time, died in 1984 at the age of 23. A humble and painful journey, the intelligence of a woman, the power of faith and the song of Love on the bed of suffering.
Franciscan magazine Voce Serafica, # 4, 1992, pages 33-34
- The days
- I read this testimony of Simona at the end of the homily of the deceased in the great monumental cemetery of our city crowded with worshippers. It seemed to me an exemplary testimony for all of us who went to visit our departed loved, we looked for a response to that pain.
settimanale diocesano NuovOrientamenti, 12 Novembre 1989
- Canta Canta Canta (Sing Sing Sing)
- The national choir of the R.n.S. dedicate the new audiocassette 'CANTA CANTA CANTA' (Sing Sing Sing) to Simona Tronci, the young sister of Cagliari, who has dedicated to Lord most of her short but intense life, through the gift of song and praise.
Charismatic magazine Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo, # 4, 1986, page 34