Remembering Simonetta
Student of our faculty: a life in union with God

The cover of the Newsletter
Eight years ago, on 18th April,1984, Holy Wednesday, died in Cagliari Simonetta Tronci. Rich of a deep love for life and of a lively and cheerful spirit, she is still very alive and present in her family and in the entourages that saw her friendly and protagonist. To remember the Simonetta's human and Christian route and to make known to the others the spiritual qualities of a young woman capable of a deep dialogue with the Lord, Father Clemente Pilloni, Religious Capuchin and vice postulator of the cause for the beatification of Friar Nicholas of Gesturi, published a brief biography.
Deeply in love with Jesus is the title given by Father Clemente to the short story of some important moments in the Simonetta's life. More than a simple story, the father Clemente's work is the revival of what Simona lived and wrote during the years of joy and pain, when she starts to attend the prayer group "Primavera Community" of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and when she is bedridden by the terrible evil that will consume her 23 years of life.
Simonetta is the third of six children. After attending the high school decides to enrol herself in Law. After few months, however, realized that her deepest desire was to know and investigate what concerned to her faith. With her friend Sandra, decides to enrol herself in the Pontifical Theological Sardinia's Faculty. Attends the first three years passing with success all the exams, but then is forced by illness to leave in January 1983. Simona's life is full of an intimate dialogue with God to discover and implement in the best way His will.
Indeed Simonetta lives simply and normally her relationship with God and her brothers and sisters. She is engaged, has friends and girlfriends, lives an experience of intense attention in what the Holy Spirit teaches her with her charismatic group. The most striking aspect of her progressive love for Jesus and her journey of union with His will, shines above all the words and the manner with which she has been able to stand the test of the disease.
She writes: I feel inside me that my life is renewing, I listen to a certain courage which strengthens me, a new faith that consoles me, a new joy that makes me a tireless witness
And this is her way to answer to the common baptismal call to holiness. Simonetta said thanks to God for everything, even for the suffering that she willingly offered for the others. The prayer for her was not only refuge or relief. It was a special intimate relationship with her Jesus, to whom offered her time and works, her love and her life itself. Simonetta wrote: My Lord, my only true friend, my life belongs to You, You created me... My Jesus, if my service has to be finished and is the source for my salvation and of my brothers and my family, so take me, your will be done.
Simonetta also made a present to God and to the others with her musical talent. Even in the moments of pain, her spirit but also her body, sang to God. Through listening to your Word we find the guide for our day... I do not know what You want Jesus, but certainly you want the best. Now I can only offer you my pain, my fatigue, my life, for the sake of my brothers.
Her diary ends with the word amen
: this is the sign more energetic, today still bright of her life, of her example, of her enthusiasm for life and of saying yes to God.
For us, for those who knew her at that time, and for those that start to know her now, remains the desire to continue learning from her, the great journey of love and obedience to God, the secret of the true union with Him.
Massimo Pettinau, News of the Pontifical Theological Sardinia's Faculty, June 1992

Pages 11 and 12 of the Newsletter