Simonetta Tronci Servant of God

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a single prayer for Simona

Simona Blessed soon

Your order


We have available a few relics of the young Servant of God "Simona".

Are you interested in?

You can ask us for a relic by sending us an e-mail with a clear indication of your postal address and your country.

Goodbye and thanks.

Innamoratissima di Gesù

Father Clemente Pilloni OFMCap

Book: Innamoratissima di Gesù
Author: Father Clemente Pilloni, OFMCap
Publication year: 2008
Languages: italian
Price: 5€

Deeply in love with Jesus

Father Clemente Pilloni OFMCap

Book: Deeply in love with Jesus
Author: Father Clemente Pilloni, OFMCap
Publication year: 2010
Languages: english
Notes: translation of the book 'Innamoratissima di Gesù'
Price: 7€

Simona un dono di Dio per tutti

Community Primavera R.C.C.

DVD: Simona un dono di Dio per tutti
Author: Community Primavera R.C.C.
Publication year: 2008
Languages: italian, english and french
Video format: PAL 4:3
Price: 10€

Prayer for the Beatification of Simona

Community Primavera R.C.C.

Card: Prayer for the Beatification of Simona
Author: Community Primavera R.C.C.
Publication year: 2004
Languages: italian, english, french, german, spanish, portuguese...

free offer

You can order the book which contains the short life of Simona and some parts of his diary. The book is in Italian and English. Ask for it by sending an e-mail, specifying your Nation well, and postal address.

Thank you


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