Simonetta Tronci Servant of God

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a single prayer for Simona

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Sing Sing Sing

An audio cassette dedicated to Simona Tronci.

Compose songs to You, O Lord, is to put the prayer on the lips, in the brothers' heart. Give me to compose songs that let my brothers praise and pray. The world needs to hear praise, must rediscover that there is a God, a God of Love who calls you to joy.

cover magazine

The cover of the magazine

It's with these words, that we dedicate the new audiocassette CANTA CANTA CANTA (Sing Sing Sing) to Simona Tronci, the young sister of Cagliari, who has dedicated to Lord most of her short but intense life, through the gift of song and praise.

Many of you didn't know her, but who has had this luck, or even the gift of living next to her, knows that what I'm writing is not an exaggeration. Indeed, who participated last summer at the IVth week of singing, can confirm it: Simona was truly a gift of God, and still is.

Through the testimony offered by the brothers of Cagliari, via an audiovisual dedicated to her, we knew this sister, her conversion, her life in the Spirit and the brothers with the gift of song.

Then, suddenly, the disease, the long ordeal of treatment and hospitals, and finally her last and most beautiful song, the life offered to God, so, without rebellion or repentance, but like the string of a musical instrument which, through the expert hands of its Master, let itself be sweetly tended to achieve the right note, in order to play its eternal melody.

So it's for Simona, that we wanted to call the new audiocassette CANTA CANTA CANTA (Sing Sing Sing), which is precisely the title of her song. A simple song, catchy, that everyone can learn with ease, and that summarize the contents of all tape, suitable to the needs of the Assemblies of prayer and, in the words of St. Basil: Who sings renews himself... in harmony also with the theme of this convocation: The Holy Spirit renews the Church.

pagina rivista

The page 34 of the magazine

We must learn from what brothers and sisters like Simona have understood, namely that the world needs to hear praise, to hear sing, to hear that there is only one true God who loves us, who died for us and risen. And this God is not an utopian being, who stays somewhere, but He is among us, near us, and He expect a yes from us to be forever of Him.

The world needs to hear it, because it has forgotten it, and the people of God has been spread in this world, imagining that the world in which lives in, is the only reality that matters, not understanding, however, that the truth is in Him alone.

For this we invoke the Father, to send His Holy Spirit upon this world and to set on fire His children, so that they remember what in them is dormant. For this we invoke His Holy Spirit to fill us with joy and happiness and that this joy transpire from our whole being with praise songs, hymns and dances, will everyone praise the name of the Lord, because supreme is only His name. His majesty stands on earth and in heaven, and He builds up the strength of His people. Praise is given to all his faithful, to the children of Israel, to the people close to him (Psalm 148).

Then not be ashamed to proclaim Love, that Christ gives us relentlessly, filling our hearts with His joy, we are not selfish, we raise our hands and praise him because only Him is worthy.

So we dedicate CANTA CANTA CANTA to all those Simona, that nobody knows, quiet harmonies that, hidden in the humility of anonymity, lovely rise to God.

National Choir of the R.n.S. (Catholic Charismatic Renewal), Rinnovamento nello Spirito, April 1986

audio cassette

The audio cassette with the song 'Sing Sing Sing' composed by Simona


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