Established the Diocesan Court for the Simona Tronci's Beatification
Simona will certainly be a model for the whole Church
The establishment of the Diocesan Court for Simonetta Tonci's Beatification Cause has been one of the most recent and significant decisions of Monsignor Ottorino Pietro Alberti, occurred in Episcope in the morning of 18th August 2003. The Court is composed by: the Promoter of Justice Monsignor G. Spiga (General Vicar of the Cagliari's Diocese), the Authorised Episcopal Judge Monsignor. G. Prost, and further Don F. Locci and Don Gf. Zuncheddu, the current Notary Mons. Usai and further Don L. Venturelli.
The event was attended by the Postulator Father P. Rossi and the following Vice-postulators: the Capuchin Father B. Pireddu, successor to Father C. Pilloni and Mons. Giovanni Delogu, parish priest of St. Joseph in Nuoro. Moreover it was attended by Ignazio Agabbio, Provincial Minister of the Franciscan Third Order and Actor of the beatification cause, and the Pastoral Service of the "Primavera Community RCC", of which Simona was co-founder in 1977.
Simona (as she wanted to be called), was born in Cagliari on 13th October 1960. She lived in her youth without wasting it on trivial things, but continuously projecting herself towards the holy goal: her Lord Jesus Christ. She lived the daily Gospel, because she had found the most precious pearl, Christ. After distinctly accomplishing high school, she enrolled in Law studies with brilliant results. However, as she wanted to know God above anything else she started to study in the Cagliari's Faculty of Theology in 1980. Her studies continued with success until January 1983 when her illness began and tired her physically, but deeply drawn her even more to the Father.
Simona deeply loved God for the gift of life, and to Him, gave thanks for everything she had, from material things to her family ties and friends. According to her view everything is God's gift and she felt the need, almost sacred, not to spoil everything that belonged to her, all of what she was. Simona felt the desire to thank God for every breath of life that was in her.
She thanked Him because she walked, she saw, jumped, ran, sang, played, studied. She had a tender and confidential relationship with God, as testified by her numerous writings, and wanted to make Him happy in everything she did. By her way of doing and being, Simona make us understand that, to love God and neighbour is not necessary to isolate ourselves from the world, or living in a convent or in an isolate place but just listen to Him and do His will every day where we were born, where we grow up and live.
She was a lively young girl, nice, she loved spending time with her friends, her boyfriend, but was animated by a profound faith that could translate into concrete acts of charity: to console the sick and bring, along with clothing and food, the smile and the hope to the poorest people of the road.
The friendship with the Lord for Simona was the source of the spiritual elevation, it was the joy of living, praying and singing together. Her personal experience of the Lord resulted in the composition of spiritual songs suitable for the Community prayer meetings in which she was actively involved. Moreover she was an effective leader in dragging people towards the Community with her way of talking, praying and singing. When the life was smiling, more and more appeared the signs of the serious disease, that progressing, initially forced her to a near-paralysis, to the use of the wheelchair and later, paralysing her in a bed, making her deaf, blind, mute and motionless, waiting for the big meeting with her love, which occurred in 18th April, 1984, Holy Wednesday.
And, as stated by the Archbishop Monsignor Alberti, Simona will certainly be a model for many young people and for the whole Church, especially in these difficult times that bring a strong disorientation from faith.
M. Antonella Fois, NuovOrientamenti, n. 36, 12th October, 2003

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