Diocesan process of Simona concluded
The diocesan process concluded its first step: on the 16th of July 2016, the diocese of Cagliari closed the cause for the beatification of Simona Tronci as Servant of God, which commenced in 2003.

The photograph of Simona in the Cagliari's Cathedral
A huge number of people attended this closing ceremony hosted by the Cagliari Cathedral, presided over by the Archbishop Arrigo Miglio as well as the members of the Court, the members of the Servant of God Simona Tronci’s Postulation and the Comunità Primavera R.C.C. as the claimant of the cause.
The vice-postulator Don Riccardo Pinna presented a brief biography on the Servant of God’s life and cared to remember a wonderful statement of the Pope Francis:
Pope Francis claimed - in a recent consideration during the Holy Mass celebrated in Santa Marta - that: “saints of every day, of the ordinary life, are the Church’s vivid blood, they are those who take forward the Church, as to be witness of God; those who attest the resurrection of Jesus, that Jesus is alive, acting with coherence of life and with the Holy Spirit’s gift”.
After this discourse followed the speech of Don Luca Venturelli, president of the Tribunal, pointing out that 25 witness and 4 chosen by the Tribunal itself have been interviewed about this process.

Some members of the Court
After that, the Bishop Miglio announced: "What is happening this evening in the Cathedral it is a precious opportunity of joy and trepidation. Today we are feeling more spiritually close to this amazing young woman: dear Simona, a sprout of the Lord’s will in the Sardinian Church.

Archbishop Arrigo Miglio
During the seal of the three large folders (two of them will be delivered to the Saints’ Congregation in the Vatican, where the inquiry will continue), friends of the Simona’s Community performed 2 of the songs composed and set them to music, transmitting a contagious joy.

The folders for the Saints’ Congregation
At the end of the closing ceremony of the Diocesan Inquiry, the Bishop greeted and thanked the Spiritual Council of Comunità Primavera (claimant of the cause), who always persevered with strong determination, and which after many years had seen the concrete expression of this first step, result of its members’ hope, faith and love for Simona, according to God’s will.