Simona introduced
to the I.C.C.R.S. community
The testimony of the Vice-Postulator Fr Giuseppe Pireddu at the International Conference of the I.C.C.R.S. for the leaders of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Castelgandolfo (Rome) 18-24 September 2003

Father Beppe Pireddu
On the occasion of the International Conference for the leaders of the Charismatic Renewal hosted by the ICCRS at Castelgandolfo (Rome) from the 18 to 24 September 2003, it was an honour for our Primavera Community to be able to share the excellent testimony, offered by Fr Pireddu to the participants from 73 countries, about our dear sister Simona, who as described by Fr Pireddu is the youthful nudge of the Holy Spirit.
Every leader, having simultaneous translation, could listen in their own language the interesting things Fr Giuseppe was speaking of. The following are some points taken from his talk.
Simona is a person who has been so intensely immersed in the love of the Trinity God and who tells us that God seriously cares for each and every one of us... her deep spiritual experience was for her the beginning of new meaning of her youthful dignity: aware of her calling to holiness, so happy! She intuited that holiness is a joyful choice, because the Spirit tells us that Christ is our joy!
Simona, in her experience of the joy of Christ, took on a particular challenge which has three specific evangelical aspects: betting everything so that Christ will be the joy of youths, so that the Renewal would be a prophecy for holiness, and so that the Church would be a communion of faith. Today, on contemplating with an open heart the works of God, we can see in the light of hope that Simona had won in Christ her challenge... Simona was a person who was very aware of her inner self and to the calling in the Gospels to play an active part in the history of humanity by "crying with who is crying, laughing with whom is laughing, and being joyful with who is joyful"...
Simona’s suffering became a tender loving of the Cross of Christ, in fact she used to pray... If I look behind your Cross, Jesus, I see only wood... there is an empty place...
, and it is there that she wanted to place herself, holding hands with Mary, close to her Jesus. A cross which she used to define as an elevator to heaven. That free space on the Cross, behind Jesus, was her place, is our place!...
Simona lived as a true Charismatic – continued Fr Giuseppe – convinced that praise and thanksgiving should never be lacking, both in times of receiving something as in times of waiting for a grace, and above all when having asked but having received nothing; she was grateful as an obedient child with her Father. Simona's life testimony is a source which encourages us to walk behind Christ. Her life is encouragement to open the doors to the Holy Spirit who re-creates and renews everything.

Father Beppe Pireddu
Simona is the gift that today the Charismatic Renewal offers to the Church in deep conviction of her walk to holiness. Simona is... gift of God to all.
Father Giuseppe concluded his speech with the following: So we ask in prayer that the Holy Spirit may make true our desire: to make known and to pioneer to each one of us to the holiness of a young girl who is the fruit of our Charismatic Community.
The incisiveness and the profundity of Fr Giuseppe’s words touched the hearts of those, who with joy and dedication, will make known the charismatic life and example of Simona to all their brothers and sisters, spread around the world.