A thread of praise and prayer ... that binds us in a single voice:
Let Simona soon be declared Blessed!
As a group that works for the process for the beatification of the Servant of God Simona Tronci, in order to meet the several requests that we have received from so many believers, we are launching an initiative based on prayers of intercession "One voice for Simona". It is a spiritual thread linking friends and those who support this process to recite the prayer that has been dedicated to her and which has already been widely spread by means of the leaflet which is available here.
This initiative consists in the recitation of this prayer at around 1500 hours every day, to ask clearly for the grace that the process for the beatification of Simona will move on rapidly and without any difficulty.
If you want you can confirm your support in favour of this initiative by sending an email to the following address: info@simonaservadidio.org
Per il 26mo Anniversario della salita al cielo di Simona ci saranno 2 appuntamenti commemorativi di rilievo:
Sabato 17 Aprile: alle ORE 16,10 diretta del Santo Rosario e della
Celebrazione Eucaristica su RADIO MARIA, nella Parrocchia "San Pio X",
Via della Pineta, 178 – Cagliari.
Domenica 18 Aprile: Celebrazione Eucaristica Presieduta dall'Arcivescovo di Cagliari S.E. Mons. Mani, presso la Parrocchia Madonna della Fede , Via Marzabotto, 1 – Cagliari – Pirri (loc. Is Bingias) ORE 11,15.