The volleyball player dead in 1984 was the leader of a Catholic Prayer Group
The Archbishop Mons. Ottorino Pietro Alberti: She will be an example for all young people.
She died at age of 24 for cancer: she might become a saint. Started yesterday, the cause for the Simona Tronci's beatification.

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Is it possible to be a good volleyball player and ascend the heights of holiness? Probably yes, and a Cagliari's girl died of cancer in 1984 could be the example. For Simonetta Tronci (Simona, as she preferred to call herself) has started the path towards the glory of the altars. It will be a posthumous game, difficult, challenging, but that could open her doors to the list of the Saints of the Catholic Church.
Yesterday the Archbishop Mons. Ottorino Pietro Alberti has officially established the diocesan Court, that will investigate on the life and virtues of Simona. Yet there are no spectacular events, such as to draw large crowds (as may have been for the friar Nicola or friar Nazarene) and reporters. No, her was a normal life, an ordinary holiness that let her make good the simple things such as school, study, work and even volleyball. So remember her, her friends, who shared with her the last years of her life.
Born in Cagliari on 13th October 1960, the third of six children has had an adolescence like that of many other girls. At nine years the First communion, two years after her Confirmation, regular studies. Then, after the eighth grade, at the Dettori's school. In those years, outlines the Simona's personality, her spirituality. I met her in 1977 – remembers her best friend, Maria Antonietta Tanda – in the group of father Puggioni for Africa Operation. We met every day to pray. The following year finished the high school. Despite the final exam, she was very calm. Excellent results, even though she hadn't studied so much..
Even then, the personality of Simona showed a characteristic: First of all prayer – explain Maria Antonietta – and then helped the poor, especially in Bonaria and St. Elia's quarters.. But not only. She spent hours in the hospitals' ward – adds Sandra Cossu, another friend – to find lonely people, be with them lovingly and transmitting the joy of the Lord. If there is a commonplace to dispel is that the saints, or aspirants, are all sad. Nothing could be further from the truth and Simona is a confirmation. She was funny, serious, religious but not bigoted, extrovert: telling jokes and composing songs – says Maria Antonietta Tanda – she was able to read in your heart. With her I could not, as her best friend, hide my mood. And then she gave you a jolt, consoled you, embrace you.
Despite a strong commitment to prayer and spirituality, arrives the time for the university. Enrolled herself in Law – again emphasizes her friend – had sustained some exams, but gradually she became convinced that human justice is too limited. She wanted to expand this meaning and that is why she enrolled in Theology. In the early Eighties a girl in this University was looked upon with suspicion, especially because it was considered a branch traditionally for men. Simona did not let herself be intimidated. She was sure of her choice – confirms Sandra Cossu, with whom attended the Institute of Sanjust street – and that the Lord would allow her to overcome all difficulties. She was determined, convinced that the woman was useful to the Church also through these studies. Then, once entered, was admired both by the faculty professors than from colleagues..
A girl like so many others, she was also affianced. Simona was amazing – reminds Sergio – a person outside the ordinary. An exceptional mind, always careful not to offend the others, not to get in front. Then in 1983 the first signs of the lung cancer. At the beginning no one understood what it was – said Maria Antonietta Tanda – she had a mild fever, lose weight, then took shelter to the Binaghi Hospital, the discovery of the disease and the trips to Paris for the operations and treatments, where she gave wonderful testimonies. She died on 18th April, 1984, Holy Wednesday. Now, after 19 years, begins the path towards the glory of the altars.
Alessandro Atzeri, L'Unione Sarda, 19th August 2003