The 26th Anniversary of Simona's ascent to Heaven
On 17th and on 18th April 2010 was celebrated the 26th anniversary of the ascent to heaven of the Servant of God Simona Tronci died on 18th April, 1984, at the age of 23. On Saturday at the Saint Pius X Parish of Cagliari, took place the recitation of the Saint Rosary and the Eucharistic celebration animated with some songs composed by Simona and broadcasted live by Radio Maria. During the Homily, the celebrant Don Riccardo Pinna showed some features of the Simona's figure that, as the apostle Peter described in the Gospel, said her 'yes' to Jesus declaring to Him her great love.

Cagliari, Parrocchia San Pio X
Here are some passages of the Don Ricardo's intervention: Who was Simona? What did she do? She tried to fully embody the Jesus' teachings, living the ordinary and the everyday life with a total membership, in thoughts and deeds, towards Christ's teaching. Hers was a simple life, but characterized by a constant search for perfection, in unconditionally accepting the Jesus' invitation, "Be perfects ... be imitators of me ...".
In her diaries, we refer to the period in which she hadn't been already affected by the serious illness, she wrote that she wanted to experience the Jesus' love, but also know how to suffer and offer like Him. Simona left us a rich witness more than words with deeds. What kind of example can we draw from her life? Definitely a strong appeal to a faith lived, not in an abstract way but in a concrete and active way, an invitation to look with the eyes of faith the wonders that God offers us every day and then live the day confident that the Lord is on our side and that, by His grace, we can do everything with the One who gives us the strength; not to give everything for granted, but recognize even in the little things His strong hand, calling His advice for every choice, even the most simple. Simona was a strong example especially for young people, who can direct their determination and their faith by living faith with fresh and genuine enthusiasm, in the joy to discover a Friend that doesn't betray, a Friend who accepts you and loves you as you are, but also a true Friend who knows your weaknesses and encourage you in the moment of doubt, a true Friend who loves you and wants your good, helping you to change your heart.
After the Saint Mass, some touching testimonies about Simona showed some significant issues on the Servant of God, especially by those who knew her personally, who gave a significant contribution, as Simona's friends and, therefore, witnesses of the period lived together and about what Simona, a young in love with Jesus, continues to send.
On 18th April, Sunday, in the Parish of "Our Lady of the Faith" in Cagliari, the Cagliari's Archbishop His Excellency Monsignor Giuseppe Mani presided the Eucharistic celebration in honor of Simona. So began His Excellency Giuseppe Mani Monsignor in the homily.

S.E. Mons. Giuseppe Mani, Arcivescovo di Cagliari
I am pleased to celebrate this Simona Tronci's anniversary! The young saints make me a certain impression, I would say that they enrich me particularly for the strength of their faith. Today we remember that Simona, at the age of 24, has celebrated the Easter. I believe that Simona calls us in the heart to remind us of the Church's message. The Archbishop emphasized the young Saints and associated Simona to Saint Theresa of Baby Jesus, almost of the same age.
The young Saints amaze us! - Monsignor Mani exclaimed - and this should make us think over to catch the message. The fundamental reason for being in the Church is to put people in relationship with God, and precisely we are in the Church to enter in relationship with God, to live with Him, the relationship of the child. Christianity is the religion that places man in relationship with God, and we need to communicate with Him through prayer, living what Jesus tells us. Simona's message is exactly this: she was a praying girl who lived the closeness with God, and for this reason, she agreed to sacrifice her life for love.
Quoting, then, the Simona's writings that recall the Gospel passage where the Lord says he prepared a place for each of us (Jv 14:2), the Archbishop said that throughout his life as priest and bishop didn't had ever come across writings and words so intense, profound and disarming at the same time and has confided that he was impressed by what has been said about Simona.
A young woman like Simona has focused on Jesus' own words "I go to prepare a place for you." Who has the honor to take care of the needs and what is needed? Just like a mother prepares the table for lunch and like a father thinks on how "Dress you up" and find you a job, so Simona has expressed her care ... In fact, she had already realized that before meet Jesus personally is needed to lie down on the cross' wood. Without the passage through the cross, we can't go to take the place promised by Jesus.
Monsignor Mani went on saying that should be learned more about the Simona's figure, giving greater disclosure. Of course, today Simona is already in Heaven, we turn to her in a prayer of intercession, so that we can reach her, to be able to join our families, our friends and those who have preceded us in faith.
At the end of his homily, Monsignor Mani, recalling the moment of suffering that the Church is going through, urged everyone to pray and, in particular, asked Simona to intercede to the Holy Father, to the Church, to the young people, so the Church succeed to be a witness of the communion with God.

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